Starting Anew

You may be starting anew if your team…

  • Is new to working together or uncertain about their project at a fundamental level.

  • Asks for a clear vision and direction or clarity on roles and responsibilities.

  • Has many different communication styles occurring at once.

  • Has several team members feeling anxious, disheartened or confused.

We can help your team…

  • Arrive at a clear, shared vision, goals and/or mission statement.

  • Grow closer by defining shared values and working norms.

  • Feel ready to work independently and interdependently on an aligned mission.

For teams in this stage, we recommend meeting to establish a team charter, which may include vision and goals, mission and values, team structure, roles and responsibilities, meeting rhythms, communication and team norms, decision modeling, and information management.

Short Session

Brainstorm several areas of a charter

OR choose and align on 1-2 areas of the charter

Partial Day

Brainstorm and align on a full team charter

★ Full Day

All benefits of partial day

PLUS work through team conflicts


All benefits of full day

PLUS trust-building or strategic planning activities

Our recommendation

Want help identifying where your team is?

To learn more about how we can support your meeting or project, reach out on our contact page to schedule a call. We can help identify the right service for you and how we can best support your team.


Building Trust